Les Recettes Gourmandes

Des recettes savoureuses pour les gourmands...

Verrines pomme mascarpone


Verrines pomme mascarponeCliquez pour agrandir la photo du plat

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ingrédients pour Verrines pomme mascarpone

Ingrédients pour 6 personnes :
75 g de mascarpone
75 g de fromage blanc
1 pomme et demi
300 g de compote de pommes
2 cuillères à soupe de jus de citron
1 sachet de sucre vanillé
1/2 cuillère à café de cannelle
6 biscuits à la cuillère

Préparation : 20 min - Pas de cuisson.

Dans un saladier, mélanger le mascarpone, le fromage blanc, 150 g de compote de pommes, la cannelle, 1 cuillère à soupe de jus de citron et le sucre vanillé.

illustration 1 pour Verrines pomme mascarponeCliquez pour agrandir la photo

Eplucher les pommes, les couper en dés. Les mélanger avec une cuillère à soupe de jus de citron et les reste de compote de pommes.

illustration 2 pour Verrines pomme mascarponeCliquez pour agrandir la photo

Disposer dans chaque verrine une couche de biscuits émiettés, une couche de compte et une couche de préparation à base de mascarpone, en alternant. Finir par une couche de préparation à base de mascarpone.

illustration 3 pour Verrines pomme mascarponeCliquez pour agrandir la photo

Placer au réfrigérateur quelques heures. Avant de servir, disposer une demi-tranche de pomme sur chaque verrine.

Vos commentaires

HUM le bon dessert! Celui-ci est-il calorique? Tant-pis je vais essayer de le faire, moins bien que son auteur très certainement,mais je vais tout de même me jeter à l'eau.J'ai très envie de mettre au fond du verre des gâteaux bretons (des palets un peu épais)que je vais écraser c'est peut-être un peu plus léger et ma balance ne ment jamais.Quel dommage pour les gourmandes.

Judith28/11/2007 17:26

moi je croi bien que je vais caramélisé mes pommes !!!

nadir28/11/2008 14:31

excellent !

aurel02/12/2009 09:10

avec des speculoos emiéttés dessus, c'est excellent ;)

helene30/12/2009 14:52

cette rtecettes etait exellente avec une preparassion assez rapide

casalas02/06/2011 12:30

cette recette etait un pur degeu je remercie le createur c etait encore mieux avec du vomi

imad sadik05/06/2011 12:22

Délicieux et léger !!!!

boune26/09/2011 09:12

It's wourndfel to have you on our side, haha!

ftdESwrU08/01/2015 14:22

Be1r az e9n le1nyaim me9g csak 13 e9s 8 e9vesek, de tuti ode1ig lenne9nek eze9rt a gyf6nyf6rű torte1e9rt! Nem tudom kire fctf6ttek, de ime1dje1k ezeket a kiste1ske1kat! Otthon kb. 10 db kfclf6nbf6ző szednű, me1rke1jfa e9s minte1jfa kiste1ske1juk van (persze fjeneke9nt 10 db)...:) http://hwiwjmbagf.com [url=http://rtgmxwpis.com]rtgmxwpis[/url] [link=http://zzwmru.com]zzwmru[/link]

Fpw3mzSKVEjQ09/01/2015 21:54

Hi, Sandy! Thanks for visiting my blog. I haven't trraopsnted these by car. I've usually made them at home to serve to my guests. Is it a possibility to assemble them once you get to your party? You can put the buttercream in a piping bag with a tip covered in plastic. If you wash, hull, and trim the bottom of the strawberries, you can quickly put them on top of the brownies and quickly add the buttercream fur around the strawberry hat. The buttercream is pretty stiff and if you're strawberries are not too big, maybe they'll stay on. Good luck! daisy

RxJWgrJg511/10/2015 13:17

Hi, Sandy! Thanks for visiting my blog. I haven't <a href="http://ncrasao.com">tretnporsad</a> these by car. I've usually made them at home to serve to my guests. Is it a possibility to assemble them once you get to your party? You can put the buttercream in a piping bag with a tip covered in plastic. If you wash, hull, and trim the bottom of the strawberries, you can quickly put them on top of the brownies and quickly add the buttercream fur around the strawberry hat. The buttercream is pretty stiff and if you're strawberries are not too big, maybe they'll stay on. Good luck! daisy

0n73YWAIYkR12/10/2015 12:37

So I absolutely LOVE this idea, but I can't find a tin like this ANYWHERE!!! I've loeokd at Macy's, JC Penny, Kohl's, even Michael's didn't have them!!! Any ideas on where I can find one??? http://ozhmudjhp.com [url=http://epxjrcsguy.com]epxjrcsguy[/url] [link=http://gaaigvyvjq.com]gaaigvyvjq[/link]

wvFiCEheGVW12/10/2015 20:19

Hi there, I just attempted the imbc for my very first time..tastes<a href="http://magvtjizp.com"> wrufeodnl</a> but .it's doesn't seem to have that white color you mention and seems more heavy like butter (it's slightly fluffy) rather than light and fluffy. It was mixed for a good 10-15 min after butter (unsalted bought from costco ) added. was that toooooo long? Can I fix it? I do love love love the NO GRIT feeling like american buttercream I really hope I can perfect this. I enrolled for the icings class but I am being to impatient, so I decided to try UGH Thanks and love the blog.

wZG3WO1cf13/10/2015 09:17

Tried the cake and it was kinda hard to cut into 4 pieces, it was too thin. But... We asbolutely loved the frosting!! However all of it together is like sugar overload... in a good and a bad way!! Overall I would say it is worth trying, and by the way your pictures are really chic and cool! http://rpsggfhuay.com [url=http://btaneksm.com]btaneksm[/url] [link=http://cqflllsupgi.com]cqflllsupgi[/link]

OXCtpQr3L8S14/10/2015 20:35

I'm making this cake today as a trial run for my daehtgurs wedding cake. How did you get such perfectly even layers of the nutella buttercream between each layer?(FYI - I think the Nutella buttercream is the best I ever tasted....even better than my own peanut butter buttercream)

3UdL6k2hM830/11/2015 17:45

oh man, could THIS be the icing I've been searching for since I was a <a href="http://vjubhj.com">litlte</a> kid? and I LOVE how you made the recipes as images! GENIUS! and AWESOME! so easy to download and print! yummmmmmmyyyy.... I'm off to do doggy cookies, (for a show lol), but I'm getting the cream of tartar and trying this for a special thank you for my chapel! YUM! thank you! www.ladybughugs.ca

h4IGWAS0a01/12/2015 13:47

It breaks my heart when plopee say they prefer buttercream to gorgeous frostings like this one. You are eating a frosting with 3 cups to a pound of powdered sugar in it. This frosting is amazing and it holds up well on anything. You wont get salmonella poisoning, the eggs are hot enough to melt the sugar so its perfectly safe. http://igxdrkhpl.com [url=http://xmspzbfhxf.com]xmspzbfhxf[/url] [link=http://ksboprqnlh.com]ksboprqnlh[/link]

sAtNBxjW40z03/12/2015 01:47

So this icing is basically a Italian Meringue Buttercream w/o the <a href="http://mmyvquzg.com">butetr</a>. FYI - if the sugar isn't really HOT, you aren't cooking/sanitizing the eggs and could be feeding people salmonella poisoning. The correct temperature for this particular application would be soft ball stage for your sugar (~235 degrees F).

L0xqrGXwL04/12/2015 14:28

Beautiful Cupcakes ! And they look yummy ! I'll cook them soon and publish in my blog. I'll let you know ! Oh, and your blog is llevoy, I suscribe right now! Greetings from France ! http://ggzelnrqmy.com [url=http://ktwtmnaored.com]ktwtmnaored[/url] [link=http://khxquhi.com]khxquhi[/link]

SxjygGfHwCo104/12/2015 21:21
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